Dunkirk – Operation Dynamo

South to France – Dunkirk Skies are blue-ish. Wind has eased-ish. Time to take advantage of the conditions and hit the road south. The channel from The Netherlands to The Netherlands (Vlissingen to Bresken) has a major shipping port in-between. I mean, I’m fairly sure at any one time you can see around 20 ships …

Zeeland – the old one not the New one.

Cycling south from Keukenhof towards The Hague. “Towards the south, and towards the warmth,” we cry. Our enthusiasm to straddle our steel horses is renewed. Courses are plotted with Mapout, some coastal, some parklands. Our journey begins within the pastural lands of Keukenhof. A kaleidoscope of coloured fields blind our eyes as we push on, …

Slovakia – a new direction

Slovakia If Vienna was Salzburg on steroids, then Bratislava ‘Slovakia’ is Salzburg after a nice bottle of red. Totally chilled and happy to see us. Food-again I rate the Bratislavan chef, as sculpting me a ‘five star’ meal. The euphoric culinary experience eclipsed any I have had, for a very long time. Cautiously selecting the …

Vienna is ‘Salzburg X10’

Vienna Vienna Vienna. To put things into perspective, the populous of Vienna is very similar to other cities. I said similar, but certainly not the same. The 20-30 something lads were still out doing blockies through the main “…to be seen…” street. The difference here is the ‘lads’ are driving the latest AMG Mercedes, BMW’s, …

Tent Time-Straubing

Camping Hospitality Strangers, passers by, people from the Bavarian region, from day one, have delivered endless hospitality. We are camping tonight, surrounded by motorhomes filled with retirees, families with all-aged children, dogs and even a bird. Coffee was thrust into our eagerly trembling hands. Later from another camp, offers for us to use their table …

Canal time

A better way – for Cycling This is the land of the bicycle. They have embraced the most efficient machine known to mankind and laid infrastructure for all bicycles, cars, trucks and pedestrians in order to coexist in a utopian, harmonious, existence. Imagine, bicycle-only highways running parallel to the vehicular highways. Footpaths that include both …

round da world – again

Cairns International Airport – lonely Saturday afternoon finds us sitting in the departure lounge of the Cairns International Airport. The only flight out of town today is ours. There are 23 hours ahead of us, flying a tin can, designed with surgical precision, bolted together by Bob and his mates. I’m soooo looking forward to …