Cairns International Airport – lonely
Saturday afternoon finds us sitting in the departure lounge of the Cairns International Airport. The only flight out of town today is ours. There are 23 hours ahead of us, flying a tin can, designed with surgical precision, bolted together by Bob and his mates. I’m soooo looking forward to this one.

Time to head back to Europe. Time to stretch our legs on our bicycles and do a few walking tracks. Time to just chill. Our planning is very vague. Our possibilities are endless. We have a ticket that will take us from Cairns to Germany…more specifically, Frankfurt. Then in 80 days time we fly home from Spain….Barcelona. It is just that the bit in the middle hasn’t been worked out yet. We will fill that out then we get there. This flexibility will be our adventure.
Vague 1st leg
We have a place to stay for the first two nights, and an idea.
Heading to Europe, more specifically Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary for the first leg. We will be following the Danube River.

2nd Leg
From Budapest we will make our way to Spain. This may include, but is not limited to, visiting Northern Italy, Switzerland, France and whatever else shows up. We are not sure yet if we will ride, train, fly or all three, or all three at once.

3rd Leg
From the top of Spain, we will make our way through Portugal back into Spain and fly home from Barcelona.

So now you are as informed as we are about our trip. Follow along and see what happens. Australian cycle tourists in Europe.
Have an awesome adventure! And remember, if you start speaking German with a Hungarian accent, it might be time to lay off the schnitzels and paprikas for a bit. Looking forward to posts showing the scenic views and don’t forget to wave to Dracula’s distant cousins in Transylvania!”
All taken on-board. Seriously watching out for Dracula. –scared–
Was thinking of you today. Have just the best time and watch out for dodgy motorists and steep mountains! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures!
Hey Jen. Cars won’t be a problem, hills might be. lol.
5 hours left on the highway plane ✈️. Bring on the strudel.
Oh 80 days, that’s awesome! Welcome to Germany, hope the Frankfurters are nice to you 😉
Looking forward to reading more from you!
Lisi, so far it has been incredible. WOW, the people, food, BEER, and architecture is simply amazing.