Sitting in the the van one morning, Mandy and I discussed and reflected on a previous thought about trying sea kayaking. We knew that Freycinet National Park was a breathtaking place and wanted to return, having completed a 4 hour walk here with the kids four years ago. However, we thought about doing it differently this time. Jumping on the net, we discovered that ‘Freycinet Adventures’ was conducting two day tours with an overnight stay at Cooks Beach, but only one each month. Time to book a sea kayaking trip and burn some rubber to get there in time.
Suiting up The whole crew
We were lucky enough to be touring with Taylor, our guide, and Doug, Linda, Issy and Stella, a lovely family with the same adventurous and naturalist (i.e. trees, not nudie rudie) outlooks that we have.
After suiting up with the most attractive life jackets and deck covers (Skirts) we were off to find our boats already at the beach and waiting for departure.
Hazards @ Coles Bay Hazards Beach The Boats Mandy and I
This first leg was very pleasant, the water smooth and glistening like a fine sparkling wine. We were on the alert for stingray spotting, dolphin admiring and seals basking. We did only spot the occasional Stingray as they flew silently beneath us in search of waters that didn’t contain four yellow bananas with people stuck in them.
After eating morning tea, coffee and the ‘OMG best food in the world’, muffins with white chocolate and raspberries; Taylor forced us to walk over the Isthmus towards Wineglass Bay. Actually she was lovely and had plenty of interesting conversation and encouragement for us all.
Wineglass Bay Just Us
Back to the kayaks and the wind had blown up a little. Sticking to the coast line was the best bet and Taylor showed us the many Midden piles that were starting to emerge from the banks. These piles are known to be the waste from feasts of indigenous people. However, lately it has been discovered that the Middens were also used to show the nomadic people what there is to eat in the area. Mostly made up of scallops, I can see that they had their priorities correct.
Refill the tank Cooks beach
Upon arrival at Cooks Beach Doug, Linda, Mandy and I, swam, talked and solved many of the world’s problems; including mostly mountain biking, food, travel, the necessity to experience different cultures, people, religion, cuisine and much much more. Many stingrays danced amongst the waves showing off the tips of their wings and the occasional a speared tail would pop up. Fish were trying to be birds jumping out of water and birds were trying to be fish, diving to trying to eat them; bit of a yin yang thing going on. Issy and Stella were looking for pippies and shells. They found many.
Taylor was hard at work preparing an afternoon tea: wine, cheese, grapes and more to replenish our weary bodies. It worked. It was good. Really good.
The whole crew
What a wonderful trip! Thank you so much to Taylor, Doug, Linda, Issy and Stella for being such wonderful people. It’s lovely to meet like minded people whose ideas and philosophies mesh with ours and were so easy to travel with. You all rock!
As does this seal that we spotted on our return trip.