Big-Derby trails

I was unable to take any photographs today as I was too busy holding onto the handlebars. It was amazing to say the least and well worth our time in Derby. The blue tier is one track every cyclist should attempt at some point in their life. The local shop who I rented the specialised stumpjumper from asked if I could respond and tell them how my experience was. So I did write them a thank you note. Below is that note and I do apologise for no photos. However if you just google blue tier Derby Tasmania there is many photographs on the Internet.

At the top in total cloud.


Well what can I say about a day in my life that I will remember for a long time.

A momentous occasion, extreme delight, warm friendly conversations and a terrific lifetime experience. I had been waiting with baited breath for my turn at the Blue tier. Arriving on thursday, the MTB gods were not with me and the weather turned nasty. The following few days were just as bad, and even though the act of not riding made me sad, knowledge and advice from the Vertigo staff made my trail decisions easy. A few days wait will result in a better ride. It was fun looking around Derby and trying out a few Cafe’s and the pub as well as the smaller local green and blue trails for a few days. As they say, Good things come to those who wait, and it certainly did.

Today was my Blue Tier day. Meeting with the group, we were processed very quickly through the shop. I was impressed that my bike suspension was set to perfection, tyre pressures ready and only a seat height and brake angle adjustment to be on the road. A quick spin up and down the road to make sure all is well. Chatting with those around me on the bus drive up, formed some initial bonds in the group and we were all talking like excited school kids waiting for free frozie cups at the tuck shop. The scenery was stunning, thick rainforest, moss on the ground and within the trees themselves. The tree ferns, so dense and so many. As we climbed it was like a wonderland, something out of lord of the rings. I heard one lady saying that she expected fairies to jump out of the trees, it was so magical.

My nervous anticipation at the top thankfully settled with the sight of the clean and non smelly toilets. There was no rain, but it was a little cold in the clouds. Wonderful riding weather, not stinking hot as I’m used to in Cairns. The open plainlands at the beginning of the ride, was a welcome warm up for my legs, with a few little rocks and ledges on the trial, to play with. Soon changing into the descents, a couple of very easy climbs and oh so many more wonderful descending trails. The stumpy was perfectly tuned, so flickable, easy to change lines, relatively good grip for the conditions and very light. A ball to pop over rocks, tree roots and really carve up the berms. Tree ferns slapping me in the face and the occasional mud pit kept me on my toes especially when sliding into them flat out. The heavily wooded dense rainforest was gorgeous. Yes, I was looking for goblins and mystical folk here as well. 4″ thick moss on the side of the track and the clear running creeks….just beautiful. I found myself laughing out loud a number of times, either through pure joy, or semi amazement that I was able to keep it together whilst two wheel drifting into and out of some situations.

The perfect end to the perfect ride for me was the Welborough Pub. Reasonably priced, well cooked and massive meals. The comradery of the group and the jovial discussion that followed was the definitive icing on the cake.

I had a good day.
Thanks so much.


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