
Parkes do telescopes well. They also do carrot cake and coffee very well at the café. Mice are everywhere at the moment, we are told the farmers are in strife and are praying for frost to bring the numbers down. We, on the other hand, are not praying for frost. Whilst eating our carrot cake and talking to a mouse that was in the café with us, The Dish was repositioned. Cool stuff. The movie that was set here had quite a few scenes that took creative licence but we like it anyway.
We camped overnight in Forbes at a lovely free camp in Forbes. Mandy wanted to visit Forbes as Kate Kelly (Ned’s sister) and Ben Hall (Bushranger) were both buried here in the cemetery and graveyards are her thing.
Mt Panorama

Yes, I did a lap of Mt Panorama in the Cruiser, with the canoe on top; whilst towing the caravan. The official lap record is 1:59:27. We did it in a cool 8:27:13. Also, had to keep it at 60 down Conrod Straight. That was hard. No problem keeping it at 60 up the hill, I think I was actually doing around 30.
Vintage Bikes

The things you bump into whilst on the road. This is the Antique Motor Cycle club out for a ride in the Cowra district. Some of these bikes are over 100 years old. Many had no clutch and peddle start. They would get the bike going on the stand and simply ride off. If you had to stop for a light or stop sign, you had to stop the motor. With little to no suspension, the riders of old were heroes.
Cowra breakout

Another sad but interesting moment in history was when many Japanese soldiers and 4 Australian soliders lost their lives whilst breaking out of a POW camp in the middle of Australia. Cowra is the site. This site was littered with information. The Italian soldiers had a great time here and some didn’t want to go home. The Japanese culture of the time however, meant if you were captured it was shameful to you and your family. They would rather die than be returned home.
Abercrombie House
This place is grandeur you would expect in Europe, not just outside of Bathurst. No offence Bathurst. The current owners are restoring this beautiful old girl well. It is a massive task.

Like brothers
Quietly waiting for us outside Abercrombie House, was our ever dutiful Cruiser and caravan. Parked with the likes it is now accustomed to and will not accept any subservient model or make of vehicular co-“parkner”ship. I’m sure the professional photograph session of the E-type Jags with the cruiser in the background went according to plan.
We were parked there first. 🙂

The mice were cute!
Hey Lez, Did you came first?
Absolutely I did.
First 80 series with a camper.
You two are living the life. That’s for sure! Love following you on your adventures around Oz.
It’s hard but someone has to do it.
Love the humour Les, we were parked first. Keep it coming!