Crankworx Cairns Events


Roden, Michelangelo and Donatello, they get it. The ability to physically change, manipulate materials, push boundaries and realise a thought, a dream, a vision, a utopian climatic crafted reality. That is literally what has been presented to the world at the Cairns Crankworx. World trail organisation sculpted the Smithfield wonderland. They are masters at their craft.

Many months work

Crankworx is an international gravity focused mountain biking event. The Crankworx organisation and local organisers have been negotiating with stakeholders in the Cairns region since 2018, in order to stage an event here in Cairns. With an injection of funds from the Australian government, state government, local council and many, many, many peoples’ hard work, this dream is now a reality.

Rider Skill

My stills photography doesn’t show the extreme nature of tricks that the riders perform. I highly recommend going to Youtube and watching these videos for yourself. I have placed some links below.

Lots of events

Check out the YouTube vids

Here is a selection of the gold medal winning runs.
Watch these on the biggest screen that you can.

Fast, steep, big, scary – Downhill

Downhill Women – Gold Run
Downhill Men – Gold Run

Super fast, big, scary with a mate beside you – Slalom

Slalom Women – Gold Run
Slalom Men – Gold Run

Really really big, scary and mostly inverted – Slopestyle

Slopestyle Men only event

Like slalom but also inverted – Speed and style

Speed and Style Women – Gold run
Speed and Style Men – Gold run

Fast, technique, no chain – Pump Track

Pump track Men – Gold Run.
Pump track Women – Gold Run

Leftovers – who doesn’t like em.

Cairns riders and mountain bike tourists will now benefit for years to come. New trails to ride, new stages to learn. I can’t wait for next week when the trails are open again. The downhill and the slalom are on my bucket list.

No ski lifts here. If you want to practise, one must first push up the hill. Don’t worry though, plenty of gravity around to assist you back down the hill again.

The second shot shows the true spirit of these riders and everyone who was involved. This competitor mistimed his jump. He over rotated and crashed heavily on the downward side of the ramp. Kicking his bike away, he walked down to where the shovels were placed, repaired the damaged ramp, watered the soil, stamped it to perfection and then rode to the end of the course. Upon returning up the hill for another practise, he signed hats and helmets for the kids who were standing in front of me.

Watching the interactions of the competitors, they are like brothers. A wonderful camaraderie friendship and mate ship was obvious, natural and abundant.


Thankyou so much to everyone involved. The sites, the spectacle, the mood, the fun of such a momentous international event. To the support crew, the volunteers, the organisers, the councils, the governments, the traditional owners past and present, the competitors, the trail builders, the maker of the tractors, cameramen, first aid, the bloke who had the chicken stand and everyone else who did anything towards this event.


Tomorrows shredders

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