We’re visiting Mandy’s Dad for a week on our way down south. Some day trips were in order. A few hours from Hervey Bay is a free experience that everyone should seek out. The Boolboonda Tunnel is almost a forgotten and discarded left over from a time long past. The council should be praised for the simple but effective information board with audio and visual information about the tunnel.
Hand Cut. No supports
Either walking or driving through the tunnel is a delightful experience. The efforts of the rail workers are awe inspiring; hand dug through rock, unsupported and maintaining its strength for so many years.

The blur on the sealing is literally hundreds if not thousands of microbats flying in a swirling mass. Don’t look up when you pass underneath them.
Lenthall Dam
On the way home we were lost twice, the third road we chose was the lucky one. If you wish to travel to the Dam and you are travelling from the North, make sure you follow only the signed roads. Looking at an online map will confuse the issue as many roads look as though they will go directly towards the dam. But alas, that is not the case. Most roads are sealed with a locked gate and have unsuspecting travellers turning their cars around with sad faces. At least the scenery is picturesque travelling through different soil types, farmland, scrub and the goannas were playfully fast.
The dam is lovely, good areas for camping and you can use your boat. We don’t have a boat with us at the moment, and you are not allowed to swim. Bugger….. So a few shots here and there and lunch was in order.