Beach Walking Days

Tessellated Pavement

On the way to the Three Capes we had a side trip to the Tessellated Pavement rocks. We have seen the same phenomenon in quite a few bays around southern Tas but it’s always interesting to look at what waves and water can do over time, and this one has a sign that says what it is.

Bivouac Bay

Bivouac Bay is adjacent to the last of the Three Capes. We had an afternoon to laze around. So of course we walked it as well. It reminded us of Hinchinbrook Island – at least 4 types of environments in one walk, beach, rainforest, dry and arid forest, moss, rocks, fungi…….


Three Capes….errrr one cape anyway

Cape WOW rather thank Cape Hauy. This walk was only 4 hours return and part of the popular Three Capes walk. We started early (in Tasmanian speak) at 7am. The weather had finally cleared and the views did not disappoint us . Clear, wide and well-landscaped paths made it easy to walk. We passed a few groups of mature walkers, and one large group of very mature walkers being guided by two wildlife warriors. Good on them.

Only the one snake on the trail today a white lipped one, many ninja wrens (see fairy wren below), a few black cockatoos, one wallaby and heaps of ants around 24mm long, thankfully they all appear friendly.

Looking down at the end of the walk made Mandy’s stomach turn to mush, I was happy looking into the ocean from about 200m up but I had to do much coaxing to get Mandy over for the selfie. Poor thing really didn’t like the height and being so close to the edge.

The superb fairy wren is the hardest *&^#%&* bird to take a photo of. Seriously, I have been trying to get one of these little blokes for a week and a half now. The last two days I have been walking with all the settings adjusted and the correct lens fitted just to capture one…I know this is a first world problem, but seriously every landscape shot was…1 change lens, 2 change settings, 3 compose, 4 change setting back to bird setting, 5 change lens back to bird lens…three steps later do it again for another landscape shot.

If the secret service, ASIO, the military or specifically fighter jet pilots need inspiration for tactical manoeuvring….here is your tutor.


  1. Wow! Wow! Wow! What an awe inspiring place! Makes me want to pack and bag and head on down there right now.

    Great photos guys! I love the one titled ‘Colours’. Looks incredibly tranquil and inviting.

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