How cool is space. You can’t tell me that you haven’t looked up at night and wondered. Out here in ‘big sky country’ the nightly show of galaxies, Milky Way and satellites, not forgetting the shooting stars, continually amazes and tantalises the senses. The Paul Wild Observatory is the one where you see the 5 dishes in a row in every sci-fi show. The array of dishes join together to make one dish. When they join these to Parkes, Canberra and one in Tasmania the dish becomes massive. Really good for finding aliens.
This was amazing.
You can see how far these two dishes below are away from each other. Also look at the size of the dish in comparison to the Landcruiser. Now, with Mandy standing in front of one and me at the other, we could talk to each other in hushed whispers. The power of collection of the our voices in the dish and then the transmission to the other dish was crystal clear. There are no electronics connected to these dishes. It is simply the shape of the dish and the material that collects the vibrations from your voice from the focal point of the dish. It is one of those WOW moments.

More space stuff.
Around the area was littered with space gazing apparatus. They do wonderful work.
Yarrie lake is also part of a celestial incident. This lake is massive, camping all around it and water sports aplenty. It was formed after an asteroid strike on the earth … a very long time ago.
Travelling along the road we came upon a flock (?) of emus. Young ones that need to have more road sense.

Pilliga Artesian Baths
Oh my god. This is heaven ….. seriously. An artesian bore just down the road, with a temperature reminiscent of a warm bath, with relaxing salts and minerals added. Many people make the pilgrimage here to camp and heal. It is worth the drive.
Cotton Country
The cotton fields are massive. It is a huge industry with infrastructure everywhere. I caught this view on the way home with a crazy sky. So beautiful…