When the builders finally organise to do the ground work for the shed and then it starts raining for another month or two. When the green smoothie maker spits more fluid out the bottom of the container than you can retrieve from the top. When the Helinox chair feet decide that they have finally had enough and break free, it is time.
Time to get a grip. I mean seriously, it’ll work out. Time to go camping.

For the first time in forever we all went camping TOGETHER on the long weekend. We had fires, swam, stand-up paddle boarded, BBQ’d breakfast lunch and dinner, ate chippies, dips, choc, cheese boards, fruit platters, drank rum, port, beer, coffee, tea, water, played cards, listened to music, sang, danced, climbed a mountain, spotted kookaburra, willy wagtails, whistling ducks, wrens, kingfishers, doves, bee eaters, curlews, chased possums away from camp, sited pretty-faced wallabies, goannas, bandicoots, had fire toast and toasted marshmallows. Life is pretty damn good.

It may have rained on and off. The air bed may have decided to self deflate, but it was a perfect, family, weekend.
In the words of an astute Australian icon ……. “Love yous all”.
ps Helinox replaced the chair feet within a week, such a good warranty. New bearing for the blender in two days and the shed, well, the shed will come eventually.
well you do make it sound pretty fantastic, loved the whole family thinggy, the foooood, yummo, plenty of nice fluids, the animals, magic, the sports part, I could watch,film, read, snooze, none of that was mentioned,,,,,, so the answer is happy you loved it but a big nooooo from me but thanks for asking,,,,,,,,lovelovelove to you allxxxx, Chris has his op in 9daysxxxxxx
Soooo happy for you and Chris.
Our best wishes are with you both.
big hugs from us all.
luv les.
Sounds like a fun weekend! How’s the paddle boarding ?
A lot drier than the one down here too…
Hey col.
SUP is always awesome. Sometimes bumpier than others but always fun.
You’ll be able to camp in the shed when it’s raining next time 🙂
I hope so mate. Eventually that will happen.
Sounds like it was an amazing weekend 🙂 Lovely blog!
Thanks Tegan.
It was a wonderful time. I can’t wait to do it again with them. 🙂