I believe we have walked every street in Hobart now.
I believe we have seen all the sights.
I love this little town and its quirkiness, the people and the architecture.
Actually we haven’t gone near any art galleries. I just can’t do it. We saw sooooooooooooooooooo much art in Italy and France. I just can’t do it. I am an artistic heathen.
What to do? Time to get some nature back into the day. Time to stretch the legs out and slip on the boots. So what’s the last hill we haven’t climbed yet? It just happens to be quite close and incorporates the Botanical Gardens. Time for a flower picture.
Experiment #1 I thought that today was a good day to trial my fixed 17mm f1.8 lens to achieve some short focal length shots.
Experiment #2 All the raw photos were edited in LR on my phone and this post is also written on the phone; in the Word Press app. Let’s see how it goes. (edit….it didn’t. I can’t get the images to correctly upload to the WP servers directly from my phone. I can edit the RAW image on the phone and save it as a JPG, even at a specified size. However, it just doesn’t want to play. So back to the laptop).

The images look great, particularly the roses – great Bokeh.
Thanks col..New lense is awesome.
ps. If you do have time MOMA is absolutely worth it – definitely nothing like a traditional gallery!