Thanks Canberra, you were a wonderful place to visit, and have tantalised us enough to want to come back and have a look around again. Ok ….. I just want to do more mountain biking, I admit it. So plan A was to head out to the coast and see some ocean again; I miss the salt water and the surf.

We awake to rain. Mandy jumps onto the net and we find that the rain on the coast is fairly substantial. We aren’t talking Ark time just yet, but it is enough to drown those surfing ideas for the moment. So plan B, travel south towards the ski/mtb fields of Jindabyne and Thredbo. Gear up and do some bush walking in the rain …… tomorrow, after this quick trip to the local. I hope they have Bundi down here.

Ps they did


  1. Sue James

    Too bad about the unexpected rain, but at least you got your Bundi. Wait a minute, is that a Christmas tree I see in the background??

    • Les Canfield

      Ha ha we are in snow/alpine country here. So native areas for the old Christmas tree. I framed it on purpose to see how many people would notice. Well done.

      It is very cold and still raining. So perhaps a yoga class, a book and coffee today.

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