On da Move again.

The story continues. Sorry for such a large space between drinks, however we needed to eat many Easter eggs, catch up with the family and borrow a caravan for a while. Yep we have become caravanners, or slightly grey nomads as the case may be.

Woodford free camp.

The first cooked breakfast on the road. Hot cross buns toasted alfresco, Vittoria espresso coffee lovingly produced with an Aero Press, the only way to make coffee whilst travelling and Oat milk. Seriously if you haven’t tried Oat milk it blew my mind. It is really creamy and actually tastes nice. I’m not supposed to drink moo milk anymore, so I have been in search of an ecologically responsible alternative. This is it.

Having left Mum’s place for the second time, don’t ask, we travelled to the Darling Downs region. The idea being to look at the smaller towns here and then make our way further south. Unfortunately it rained, then it rained more and upon receiving flood warnings, we decided to keep going up to Toowoomba and be safe. We wished to look at the smaller towns around Toowoomba and Toowoomba itself. It kept raining, for days, so we left.


Wallangarra and Jennings is the same place split by the border. The town has a rich history as it was an important train stop between Qld and Nsw for trade back in the old days. Prior to Federation, the rail gauges were a different width. So trains couldn’t simply travel from state to state. From Qld you would have to stop at Wallangarra, walk from your train to the other one waiting on the other platform and continue from Jennings into Nsw. Our home for this night was in a free camping spot behind the pub.


I have a soft spot in my heart for Tenterfield. It brings back memories of camping with my family as a child. A scenic town, with one of Australia’s most important historical events taking place within its streets. The School of the Arts is the site in which Sir Henry Parkes made his speech, urging all the colonies to federate and become what we now know as states within a united Australia. Sir Henry Parkes | Tenterfield True (visittenterfield.com.au)

Walking up the main street, the architecture attracts my attention. Upon investigation, I find twenty-four buildings that range from 1851 to the early 1900’s. Some are restored well, some need of love. Peter Allen wrote the famous song about the Tenterfield Saddler, George Woolnough, his grandfather. The last building in the sequence below was his store. I found the hand cut, blue granite block walls impressive and inspiring. https://youtu.be/xMauNjr7_ZE

Autumn trees and leaves delight.

Mt Mackenzie

Drive time, around Mt Mackenzie admiring the outcrops and views. With water freshly cleaning the Granite, pink, greys, greens and black colours jump out at you.

Saving the wild life

Heading back toward Tenterfield, we found Trevor the turtle. He was very friendly, however he didn’t have much road sense. Trev was parked in the middle of the road with everything tucked in. We found him a new home.

Oldest cork tree

Cork is a natural product that has been replaced with synthetic materials. The trees are getting scarce in the world and we were lucky enough to see the oldest living untapped cork tree known to mankind. It resides in the middle of Tenterfield, growing blissfully…………ps statement about oldest living untapped cork tree may not be accurate.

Captain Thunderbolt

Frederick Wordsworth Ward (1835 – 25 May 1870), better known by the self-styled pseudonym of Captain Thunderbolt, was an Australian bushranger renowned for escaping from Cockatoo Island, and also for his reputation as the “gentleman bushranger” and his lengthy survival, being the longest roaming bushranger in Australian history. Captain Thunderbolt – Wikipedia

A short drive from the centre of town takes us to one of Captain Thunderbolt’s hideouts. A cave under rock was a cold place to spend your time. I guess being in nature is better than in jail.

WW2 tank traps

Tank traps were established at Thunderbolt’s Gully, which was one kilometre north of a major training camp in the Tenterfield region, the London Bridge Army Camp. The site was also chosen as the area either side could not be easily bypassed. The huge boulders on the hillside on the eastern side of the road were considered too much of an obstacle for the light Japanese tanks. The concrete retaining wall prevented them bypassing the holes left by the exploding mines in the road, which was then a narrow gravel one.

World War 2 Tank Traps – Mount Lindesay Road | Tenterfield True (visittenterfield.com.au)

Vinegar poached eggs, beans, spinach with balsamic glaze…

I wonder what I will cook up tomorrow?


  1. Enjoy the luxury of a home behind your car!
    Love the beautiful Autumn colours on your pics.
    Ever thought of changing profession and become a Chef, Les?
    Safe travels.
    Xxx M&C

  2. Yay!! You’re back
    Good job seeing and saving Trevor like that.
    That bridge don’t look to safe anymore.
    Be safe
    J&P xo

  3. Andrea Watters

    Love da oat milk! Been drinking it for decades now! Are autumn colours the best! I think you could produce a kick ass calendar of your amazing photos and I would buy it!

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