Island time

Travelling South from Lower Snug, a few choices were offered. Once again it was time to pull out the ‘Map Out’ app and see what the gradients were like. In the end we settled on a smaller road with more hills but much less traffic. It also hugged the shoreline and gave us…again…some stunning vistas.

Kettering was our next port of call and time for a coffee. Upon coffee consumption, a chance meeting with John and later Dee transpired. A wonderful couple who have also travelled extensively. Some of this by bicycle. We agreed to catch up later as our main goal today was to cross the harbour and head to Bruny Island. John said he would be around the next few days working on his boat,….more on this later.

The council camping grounds were our home for the next few nights. We found a lovely little corner to spread our tent and chill out. Swimming was on my agenda and it was really a lovely temperature. I couldn’t actually feel any part of my body, however I’m assured that it was pleasant by the locals. Mandy managed one toe, or actually half a toe I think.

I did spot some rocks beside a dam. The rocks moved and once we came closer, it was obvious to see that they were sheep. I wish I hadn’t left my distance glasses at home. 🙂 The Neck is a beautiful area of the island, home to nesting penguins, many birds and endangered Quolls…and Get Shucked oyster café.

Most of the time we owned the beach. And especially when we were wondering around the southern end, no one was in sight.

Tessellated Rocks

A short ride back brought us to Cape Queen Elizabeth and to a natural arch. A short 6km walk was just the thing before visiting the Bruny Honey Pot. Hmmmm unheated honey infused ice-cream.

The second night resulted in around 3 hours sleep. With our neighbours getting in at around 11pm, inebriated and continuing to talk and have an unrestrained fire burning until around 3am. We started packing up at 5am, the mongrels quickly left without paying any camping fees. Some people are pathetic.

Upon returning the Kettering, and meeting back up with John, he asked if we wanted to go for a run in his boat. A great idea, I thought. When we arrived he was happily waving us down at the marina. We stowed the bikes behind a water tank, and follow him down to his 43′ beautiful boat. Amazing wood work throughout, full kitchen, Galley, two bedrooms, shower and toilet. WOW what an afternoon cruising around the D’Entrecasteux Channel, towards Barnes Bay.

Thankyou John, Dee and dog Archie for a life experience.

Kettering to Woodbridge transpired quickly, ending with a pastie and an idea. Mandy’s idea. Initially we were to take 3 days to zoom around the peninsula and then stop at Cygnet. Mandy suggests that there was another more direct route that would actually take us only one day. OK I thought let’s do that just to mix things up a bit.

OK so we are on heavy touring bikes.
The hill was steep.
Every car in Tasmania also thought that this road was a great idea.
Cygnet happens to have a Folk Festival on this weekend.
No accommodation can be found.
Keep going to Huon Valley.

40Km later, a hot shower awaited us, a Korean meal, a perfect camp mattress and the next day….cider.


One comment

  1. It is really looking beautiful down there, that coast line looks stunning – scoring a ride in the boat would be a perfect way to see it…

    A plate a oysters and cider tasting seems a pretty good way to finish it off 🙂

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