Driving into our nation’s capital is a humbling experience. Be it from the imposing stature of Parliament House; the marble, the concrete, the grass, the steel. Or is the humbling feeling derived from the respectful grandeur presented within the war museum walls? The widespread beauty of Lake Burley-Griffin, with perimeter paths full of families, cyclists, electric scooters and walkers. Canberra is a lovely place this time of year.

Five hours spent at the National War Memorial felt rushed. So much to read, so much to experience. Dioramas skilfully depicting every blue we have been in, memories from soldiers, families, news articles, official documents. The collections are immaculately created. The images take you to the place of camaraderie, hardship and horrors of war. Respect…
We were privileged to experience the Last Post ceremony inside the Hall of Remembrance. Today’s ceremony was dedicated to remembering the efforts of the first WRANS. It was the 80th anniversary of the creation of the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service. The WRANS was established on this day in 1941 by Florence Violet McKenzie; founder of the Women’s Emergency Signallers Corps (WESC).
Magnificent stained glass windows within the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
Parliament House
Political positions, left and right, House of Representatives, the Senate. It’s all happening here. Plus the café food was actually really good. We were keeping an eye out for the PM but he didn’t show his face. Rather impolite I thought as we were, after all, in his house.
The colours reflect those used in the English parliament, but our green and red are a different hue to represent gum leaves.

An evening stroll was called for, well a stroll with a difference. We decided to hire two electric scooters and cruse the miles around the lake; in relative effortless comfort. It was cool fun. My scooter went 1Km/hr faster than Mandy’s. She was not happy with this situation. Mainly due to me doing loops around her occasionally.
A lovely afternoon.
I think the best time of year to be in Canberra, Autumn leaves and skies are gorgeous
It truely is Col.
The trees are so wonderful. And the temperature, perfect. It’s not as cold as Tenterfield.
Loving it.
Looks like an amazing place to see, maybe one day.
Those stain glass windows are so beautiful and detailed.
Do you know who they all represent?
Hey Jacky.
They represent the different element forces and people associated.
Powerful images.
We had a go on our neighbours’ electric bikes up here on the Block. Aren’t they awesome! I might get one when I’m too decrepit to ride my push bike anymore!
Ah but Andrea, think about how far you can go if you were riding one now.